RULES for 2023 November Showdown
Nicholas Piccolo - Tournament Director
Cell: (248) 918-9552
The Marvel Hockey is governed by the rules of USA Hockey, and it is the responsibility of each player, coach, and team manager to be familiar with these rules and ensure all participating players and coaches are registered with USA hockey for insurance purposes.
The Tournament Management shall be responsible for resolving all inquiries or disputes regarding off-ice rule application or interpretation, player eligibility, disciplinary action, and any other procedural disputes. Marvel Hockey supports the USA Hockey zero tolerance initiatives for verbal abuse of any player, official, parent or spectator. The Tournament Management or arena staff reserves the right to remove any violator from the premises. He/she will not overturn any dispute concerning rules and/or the judgment applied by on-ice officials. All decisions of the Tournament Management are final!
A USA Hockey Official Team Roster Form (1-T) approved by the District or Associate Registrar, or Hockey Canada Certified Player Roster approved by the governing Canadian federation is required for all participating teams and shall be proof that all participating teams are properly registered, and all participants are playing in the appropriate age classification and level. Official USA Hockey rosters or Hockey Canada rosters must be submitted to Marvel Hockey at least 10 days before the event start date.
Rosters submitted must match the team’s verified/approved USA Hockey Official Team Roster (1-T) or Hockey Canada Certified Player Roster. No changes will be permitted. Rosters are frozen on the first day once the puck drops for the first game.
All players are 2011 birth year or younger unless otherwise approved by Tournament Management.
PLAYING RULES: 2022-2023 USA HOCKEY Rules will apply.
HOME TEAM/AWAY TEAM — As determined by the schedule - the home team will wear dark colored jerseys and the away team will wear light colored jerseys unless otherwise agreed to by the coaches prior to the game.
MOUTH GUARDS — All players are required to wear a colored, non-clear (Rule 304F) mouth guards (Squirt players exempt as per USA Hockey), or as per their Organization’s directive (per out of country teams).
WARM UP — One (1) three (3)-minute warm up. Teams are to provide their own pucks.
PERIOD LENGTH — Three (3) fifteen (15)-minute stop time periods.
ICE CUT — An ice cut will follow at the end of each game. All games will start on clean ice.
READY TIME — All teams must be ready to play 20 minutes prior to their scheduled start time.
LATE TO ICE — If a team is late getting on to the ice for warm-up, they can be assessed a minor penalty for delay of game.
OFFSIDES — "Tag Up" Offsides.
ICING — Automatic Icing.
CHECKING — Per 2022-2023 USA Hockey Rules.
PENALTIES — Minor 1:30 minutes, Major 5:00 minutes, Misconduct 10:00 minutes.
FIGHTING — Fighting is strictly prohibited. Any player involved in a fight may be dismissed at the discretion of Tournament Management and referees. If a game is interrupted by on ice fighting between players and/or bench staff, then the clock may continue to run. Game time will not be restored until the whistle has blown on the play that immediately follows the on-ice fight. Minutes lost will not be restored.
MERCY RULE — Play clock will go to running time if goal differential is 6 at the beginning or at any point of the third period. Play clock will revert from running time to stop time if the goal differential is reduced to 2.
TIMEOUTS — No timeouts in Round-Robin Play
TIES — If a Round-Robin game is tied after regulation time has expired, the result will end in a tie.
TIMEOUTS — Each team will be allowed one (1) thirty (30)-second timeout.
TIES — If a playoff game is tied after regulation time has expired, a sudden death overtime period will commence.
OVERTIME — Teams will skate 3-on-3 for one (1) five (5)-minute sudden death overtime period.
If a team is assessed a penalty; teams will skate 4-on-3 for the length of the penalty. Once the penalty is over, the game will proceed with 4-on-3 play until a whistle blows the play dead. Each team will then revert to 3-on-3 play.
If playoff game is tied after the sudden death overtime period, a shootout will commence.
SHOOTOUTS — Three (3) round sudden death shootout.
Players are designated by each coach.
Home team will have the choice of shooting first or second.
If a shootout is tied after the first three (3) rounds, in turn, the shootout will continue player by player until a winner is determined (sudden death).
All players must take part in the shootout before a repeated player can shoot again.
A player serving a penalty at the end of an overtime period cannot take part in shootout.
5 Game Guarantee!
Round-Robin games will be scored with the following point totals:
• 2 PTS for a Win
• 1 PT for a Tie
• 0 PTS for a Loss
1) Most Points.
2) Head-to-Head (this will only be considered if all tied teams have played each other).
3) Goal Quotient (total goals for / (total goals for) + (goals against).
4) Least Goals Against Overall.
5) Least Penalty Minutes.
6) Coin Toss.
TBD - Based on QTY of Teams Signed up!
In the unfortunate event of one or more teams canceling just before or during the tournament due to pandemic related issues, Travel etc Marvel Hockey will make efforts to adjust the schedules for other teams impacted SOLELY at their discretion.
If Marvel Hockey is unable to accommodate rescheduling, the canceling team’s games will be treated as if they no-showed, and the games will be recorded as a 1-0 forfeit, with their scheduled opponents awarded a 2-point victory in the results and standings, and +1 goal differential. NOTE: Marvel Hockey WILL RESCHEDULE UP UNTIL THE WEEK OF THE EVENT IF SOMEONE DROPS OUT. Marvel Hockey understands the potential implications of this, and will work to avoid it, but a solution to everyone’s satisfaction and/or that impacts many more teams may not be possible, especially on short notice. Marvel Hockey has structured division(s) to try to minimize these potential impacts.
If the canceling team is in an 8-team division, they will be designated as 8th place, and the 1st place team will get a bye in the playoff quarterfinals.
Marvel Hockey may try to find a fill-in opponent for one or more games so the remaining team(s) will have actual games to play during the Round-Robin schedules, but these results will not count towards the tournament standings or impact the tournament or playoff structure in any way.
During this time of COVID-19, the rules of the State and the restrictions placed by the State and the country will be followed. Such restrictions as use of facemasks, social distancing, and rink capacity/spectator viewing guidelines will be enforced if in place at the current time, pursuant to the restrictions outlined by the State Governor at the time of the event. Anyone with cold or flu-like symptoms will not be permitted entry. Teams or individuals who feel unwell or report signs of illness or fever will be asked to stay home.
Marvel Hockey will not be responsible for any injury to teams and/or team members and/or supporters. This includes venues, hotels, and anywhere else teams and supporters travel throughout the weekend.
Marvel Hockey November Showdown agreement shall be executed-acknowledged prior to the start of the event. Failure to sign the release form results in removal from the Marvel Hockey November Showdown.
Marvel Hockey will not be held responsible for any lost or stolen items.
Locker rooms and all areas of the arena and property are to be left in spotless condition. Failure to abide by this can result in dismissal of the tournament. If you see an area in poor condition, please bring it to the attention of Marvel Hockey promptly.
Event personnel and team representatives are ONLY allowed on the bench and in locker room areas. Parents are not permitted in the locker room area or on the team bench at any time.
A refund for the event for any reason is solely at the sole discretion of Marvel Hockey. There is no refund guarantee for any circumstances.
By allowing your program to play in the Marvel Hockey November Showdown, your program officially acknowledges and grants consent for photographs to be taken, consent for video to be recorded of all activities related to the Marvel Hockey. Marvel Hockey has the right to use all media assets collected for publicity purposes: Marvel Hockey website, brochures, flyers, news releases, presentations, as well as social media posts such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. By signing the Marvel Hockey consent form at registration, you shall understand that you will receive no compensation for such uses. Marvel Hockey will retain the right to have any photograph and/or video discontinued from use in any or all of Marvel Hockey venues upon request, and if, at any time, you wish photograph(s) and/or video(s) to be discontinued from any of the assets above, it is your programs responsibility to contact Nick Piccolo (contact info listed above) to make this request.
As most are aware, there is a significant shortage of referees and game officials across the country right now. Marvel Hockey has coordinated carefully with local Referee-In-Chief(s) and schedulers to have complete game coverage, and we are hopeful for no disruptions.
In the event of a shortage of game officials, teams may have to play a game with only one official. These games will go on as scheduled and count as normal. In the event of a lack of at least one game official for whatever reason, the game will be canceled. If possible, with available sources, ice times, and within the structure and timeframe of the tournament, Marvel Hockey may attempt to reschedule the game at a time and location acceptable to BOTH teams and SOLELY at the discretion of Marvel Hockey.
If the game is canceled and not rescheduled, the game will be recorded as a 0-0 tie in the tournament results and standings. Marvel Hockey understands the potential implications of this, and will work to avoid it, but a solution to everyone’s satisfaction and/or that impacts many more teams may not be possible on short notice.
If Marvel Hockey is prevented by circumstances outside of its control from hosting the Marvel Hockey November Showdown due to a restriction on sports imposed by emergency governmental order or if Marvel Hockey cancels the Marvel Hockey November Showdown in its sole discretion, all teams registered-paid to play will receive a portion or full registration fees paid to Marvel Hockey. Refunds will be paid in the same form of payment that was made by the team. Credit cards will be refunded the amount, minus the processing fee.
BEST INTEREST OF THE Marvel Hockey November Showdown:
Marvel Hockey reserves the right to add, amend or remove any Marvel Hockey procedure, policy, rule or regulation, including, but not limited to, playing rules, eligibility rules, game format, to select or permit qualified teams/individuals to participate in the Marvel Hockey November Showdown or to align or change teams, in any particular skill level at any time, if it is deemed in the best interest of the Marvel Hockey November Showdown. All decisions of Marvel Hockey are final.
As a group you must confirm and understand all the items in this document and ensure every program member and participant understands the same.