How to Subscribe to your Player's Schedule

by Nick Piccolo


Moving to the HockeyShift website platform this season has had some up's and down's; but mostly up's.  One of the big up sides is being able to subscribe to your Player's schedule.  In order to do this please follow these screen shots below.  In order to do this you will need to know what team your player is on; if you do not, please read this News Blog.

First - Please go to the Schedule Tab

Second - Please select your player's division that is listed by birth year (see circled red drop down)

Third- Please select your player's team that they are on (see circled red drop down)

Fourth - Please select the "More" drop down and then select "Schedule"  (see circled red drop down and button)

Fifth - Please read carefully and follow the steps based on what calendar you adding this schedule too.  

Thank you!  If you have any questions please reach out!

Nick P.