Rosters and Week 1 Schedule is Posted!
Marvel Hockey Families,
Thank you for your patience with us getting rosters and schedule's posted. We are a go for June 7th. I will be working on getting Weeks 2-8 up by the end of the week!
There are two ways to find the team your child is on; you can go through your Hockeyshift account or click on this link and search for them!
Marvel Hockey Player Search! Type in your Players name and it will pull them up! Click on their team name next to their name and your players team comes up. Select schedule and there you are!
A few teams are missing a few players still which we hope to have situation before the start of the league.
We are looking for:
- (1) 2016 Skater
- (1) 2016 Goalie
- (1) 2014 Goalie
- (1) 2011 Goalie
If you have any friends that want to play, please have them contact me!
Thanks again!
Nick P.